Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Across Country Move- Day 4

Day 4 was mainly a driving day from Albuquerque to Oklahoma City... nothing really to see but the Cadillac Ranch as we drove through Amarillo, Texas. We didn't stop but we could see it from the freeway. It is a public art installation of almost a dozen Cadillac's ranging from 1949 to 1963. They are half-buried nose-first in the ground. Unfortunately over the years, people have graffitied all over them and when we passed through it looks like someone even stole the doors and remainder of the hood off of one.

Here is what it looked like when it was originally installed:

And here is what it looks like today:

I really couldn't stop and see what people have done to beautiful cars to begin with.

We did get a wonderful surprise though when we departed Oklahoma City... we were able to witness a bird migration! The video below only shows a small portion of the birds that were migrating, they were perched on the telephone wires for at least a quarter to a half a mile!


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